
Nu tänker jag svamla ur mig lite. Så om ni inte vill slösa bort er tid, så kan ni sluta läsa här.
Sitter och söker sommarjobb, jag hoppas att det kommer att gå vägen. Tycker fortfarande att det är enormt påfrestande att få andra att förstå vilken underbar och fantastisk människa jag är och varför de förlorar på att inte anställa mig.
Jag har kommit fram till att jag är INTJ och inte ENTJ.
Jag är nämligen INTE extrovert för fem öre.
(Eller jo, kanske fem öre, men inte ett dugg mer än så.)
Har suttit och läst lite om just INTJ nu och hittat lite småroliga anekdoter på ett INTJ-forum i en faq som jag tycker stämmer förträffligt bra in på mig. Till exempel;
  • "Q: My INTJ is trying to take over the world. Should I be concerned?
    A: Remember, he’s trying to take over the world for the betterment of everyone and everything. Just go ahead and let him. He’ll be happy and the world will be a more organized and efficient place."
  • "Q: My INTJ just told me I’m retarded. Should I take offense?
    A: You probably are retarded, by our standards. But don’t take offense. Our standards are so high that even we don’t meet them. We judge ourselves more harshly than we judge others."
  • "Q: Why doesn’t my INTJ ever show emotions or feelings?
    A: Because he doesn’t have any. Actually, that’s not strictly true; it’s just that we tend to get emotional about things you might not appreciate. INTJs have been known to cry during the liftoff scene in “Apollo 13″, for example, and there are also many touching moments in some of the Star Trek movies. An INTJ may also smile or laugh at random for no apparent reason; probably one of the voices in his head just made a good joke."

Tyckte att det var fantastiskt roligt! Självklart ska man tolka det med en nypa salt. (Egentligen borde man tolka hela världen med en nypa salt. Salt är gott, men inte så bra för hjärtat.)

Andra trevliga anekdoter var bland andra;

  • " Ideas are of prime importance to INTJs, and disregarding or not listening to our ideas is the highest form of insult. Although INTJs do not hold grudges, neither do we go out of our way to associate with people who don’t give serious consideration to our ideas."
  • "We get particularly annoyed by attacks on our intelligence, competence, and integrity."
  • "We hate people who are chronically late."
  • "We dislike getting gifts, as it burdens us with the need to reciprocate."
  • "We hate incorrect grammar and word usage."
  • "Most of us INTJs are very forgetful. We have too much going on in our heads at any time to remember a lot of new stuff. Also, we zone out and go into autopilot mode quite frequently. We often won’t remember where we put our car keys because we weren’t “there” when we did it."
  • "Sarcasm is a free public service we provide to those within earshot. No need to thank us. We also do irony, hyperbole, word-play and puns, one-liners, quick-witted observations and flippant remarks, and abstract and deep philosophical insights on nonsensical themes. Our sense of humor tends to be dry, warped, and morbid, and not everybody “gets” us."
  • "Many of us tend to be rather obsessive-compulsive, for instance ordering our cd’s, dvd’s, and books by genre then alphabetically (by title for dvd’s, by group then title for cd’s, and by author then title for books, except for series which must be kept in appropriate serial order)."
  • "We are somewhat detached from reality, because we are introverted (we find interacting with people to be tiring and tiresome), because we are very private, and because we are impassive, we tend to come across as rather reserved and aloof. Okay, we actually are reserved and aloof."
Väldigt humoristiskt, tycker jag.
Och jag fick högsta betyg på tentan i Företagsekonomi (förlåt för att jag hoppar mellan olika ämnen, men jag sa att det skulle vara svammel.) det trodde jag inte!
Nej! Nu skall jag återgå till jobbsökandet.
I bid you all adieu.


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